radish, beetroot, rainbow chard, zucchini, calendula, sweet peas, running beans. seeds aplenty.
we found a big pile of composted grass clippings up the road, and lugged the huge pile back into the garden. and little man was the helping by his gentle snores as he gardened with me.
some of the seeds were sourced from a 'seed swap' held in totnes - sunflower, chicory, pumpkin and lettuce seed saved from local gardens.
for 27 years before we arrived this garden was tended by an artist, and we keep finding treasures in the garden - an upturned boat now a garden seat; lifesize models of men from China; a box rusted close, but full of buttons when we prised it open; a wooden car; an opaque glass bowl. real treasure. her favourite colour was blue, so the whole garden is planted with shrubs that (unusually!) flower blue. the forget-me-nots are almost taking over. peonies are poking through, and I have alot more to discover.
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