This little boy has gone through the most wonderful transformation - from waking 8 times in the night, breastfeeding through the night to actually making it through from 7pm till 6am. For almost a week now! It is too long and painful to re-count here, but with not too many tears we might just have cracked the sleep mystery. this is adrian's cot when he was little, and J actually knows how to put himself to sleep in it now. What an achievment! It was just in time too, as he is now rolling, sitting up & pulling himself up to stand, and would have been zooming all over the bedroom if he wasn't in a cot. I am actually very proud of all 3 of us. It felt like an organic process of us trying new things, him being almost one - just some sort of magic combination for it all to happen. I know things can still go pear shaped (and they will!) but I'm enjoying it while it lasts.
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