we had the honour of bumping into bushy, who was fishing by a river in north tassie. we got talking - he was catching fish for his liquid manure, and had a homemade electric bike! He invited us round to see his magnificent garden - every inch of soil crawling with delicious worms. See the size of his rhubarb leaves, and chard growing up to the sky. He let him fingers plunge into the ground, and brought up handfuls of potatoes for us. He wouldn't let us leave without my pockets full of seeds - parsnips! perpetual spinich! - adrian a bottle of home-brew, spuds, chard, more tomatoes than we could eat.... such an inspiration. below he's pulling back a layer of compost to show me the worms teeming - he has a blender in the greenhouse to mush up the compost for them!
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