Monday 31 March 2008

what a day

just moments after
being born in our bedroom
little man sniffed out
the source!
imagine all the changes he has adapted to
in an instant -
suddenly surrounded by air, not liquid,
breathing air - (is it dry? cold?),
eyes receiving light, not cosy dark,
stomach filled from his mouth, not drip fed by a willing placenta,
being touched by human hands, not swirling around alone,
the sharp noises, not dulled by distance. loud! close!
limbs outstretched - a new sensation as he unwrapped himself from his little ball, into the world.
what a day.

Saturday 15 March 2008

big belly

It all started from here..

This is taken at the Cottage, Totnes where we lived next door to the veterinary surgeons office on the main street. Looking out the window I was likely to see tiny sheep trotting in, or giant dogs loping toward the door.
I think this was just days before our little man came knocking.

Sunday 2 March 2008

four limbs and a beating heart

at 10 weeks, this was our first glimpse of all those limbs and and nascent spine, all curled up like a leaf. It was only at this point that I really believed that I was growing a little human.
the next scan, at 20 weeks, we saw four chambers of his heart, pulsing. his bare feet swooped in on the monitor, and were gone. we saw a tiny black dot: his full bladder, and a full belly. the two parts of his brain, and the delicious mound of belly.
even though we had asked not to be told whether 'it' was a boy or a girl, I couldn't resist asking the sonographer if she had seen - I think I wanted to deduce something from her eyes. but she smiled, and looked away...