Sunday 31 October 2010

transition streets

this is a manifestation of adrian's work - PV panels on the town hall roof. lots more info on the transition town totnes website. they're also working with 44 local groups, many of whom are also recieving grants towards PV, along with lots more energy saving measures. keeps him off the streets. he raised over 500,000 pounds to implement the work. clever thing. next stop wind turbine on a hill just outside town.

Saturday 30 October 2010


a wedding of an old friend of adrians - baan & johnathon. isn't she absolutely gorgeous? kerrie and dave are also great old friends (they all used to work together in their 20s) and we see them and thier 2 boys every coupla months.


I will try and remember to move some of these videos back to the relevant picture areas, as a few photos have been posted when my computer was being finnicky about uploading vids. So I'm on a roll!

But they are all a-round-about the same time anyway!


Wednesday 20 October 2010

Saturday 16 October 2010

splash live

Couldn't choose - I just like all of these -

Friday 15 October 2010

water shoes!

he had been asking for 'water shoes' and, looking in a charity shop, we found some for 50p! I think they won't squeeze on him next summer, but worth it for this one afternoon. i take it back about the last pic being my favourite - this one of him looking utterly unselfconscious - happy as a nude pig. note to self: always assume his clothes will get soaked - just take them off at the beginning! is it a sign of optimism that I always think - oh, he'll just get a little splash on the edges? maybe it's my australian-ness not willing to bare flesh in 'summer' - note Adrian's jumper!

Sunday 10 October 2010


bedruthan steps - gorgeous walks round the cliffs and beaches (when I say walk, picture janu complaining every step of the way/wanting to be carried/running ahead near sheer drops/stopping every half step to look at flowers-rocks-space-his shoes-poo/needing to be helped over mud (oh it's poo)/asking for 'something special' aka snacks/complaining/wanting to be carried....) we do like walking. "this is fun"

Friday 8 October 2010

the pits

adrian insisted we visit this 'pit'iful place - china clay pits/kaolin extraction near st austell in cornwall - amazing big waterwheels and history of clay works. the whole area has mt fuji type peaks (the cornish alps) from all the slurry piles around; it was a huge industry. (we were the only tourists there!) is janu too big for his boots?

Tuesday 5 October 2010


this top pic of him under the gunnera is my fave picture of him ever. so small under these giant leaves, and so happy to be exploring the ribs, veins and bones of them. this was a beautiful garden in cornwall that spilled down to the sea.

your move

i taught him everything he knows...

Sunday 3 October 2010


such big cousins he has - they love playing together still and today janu pretended he was amber all afternoon! He is pretty keen on his new cousin - due tomorrow - in melbourne too! he asks to see auntie trina 'on television' sometimes (skype!).

Saturday 2 October 2010


what a helpful chap!
'puter is being slow at downloading videos, so i'll have to come back later to add them...

Friday 1 October 2010