Friday, 31 August 2012


keeping baby cool. janu's arms don't touch when he reaches around me now. not a single stranger asked me 'when are you due'? etc with janu, but now I've had it alot. Either that is English reserve, or I am ennnnnoooooorrrrrmmmmouuuussss now. 

we walk past these fantastic sweet potato mounds on the way to the pool. anything less raised up would just get washed away.  

Thursday, 30 August 2012

go go!

janu and I shelter during a crazy downpour. janu likes the team in black. they play 7-a-side rugby here.

 janu gives it a go! he is leaning more towards rugby than football these days.
We spend a fair amount of time watching sport. There is not much else to do! Impressive dedication, and fantastic ability, especially given the gravel pitches (grass would turn to mud in about 30 seconds) and torrential rain – unheard of for anything to be cancelled.on this occasion we'd just bought janu this chair and were walking home with it. he then parked it just behind the goal line as we passed the pitch! 

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

charged double

sometimes i think i really should live on this street.
I love signs. Random ones. They make me laugh. I am yet to take one of the swimming pool, where a big sign identifies one risk at the pool as ‘contact with irate people!’. Okay.  

Thursday, 23 August 2012


janu has developed such an attachment to adrian lately. maybe because he's away all day?? I read something about how to prepare your child for a sibling and it said 'cultivate the relationship btwn your child and partner'. Check! (I think me being grumpy a lot has helped!) 


Neighbours have been preparing a dance for school for ages. Their singing and drumming draws Janu and I from across the road to watch.  We missed their big performance, but at least caught them in costume.  They are in their last year at the local primary school.  

Saturday, 18 August 2012


 yuk creek is a couple of km's out of town. a couple of times we've borrowed a car and explored.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

puk puk class

Pre-school is from 8-10am each morning. It’s just a few minutes walk from our house. I like the rhythm that this gives the day. Sometimes janu asks, eyes brim full of tears, if I can stay with him. Other times he waves me off – ‘you don’t have to stay longer, mum’. His teacher is lovely, Miss Joshua.  (It is her daughter, Marianne, that Janu plays with a lot!) Janu is in puk puk class (crocodile).

Tuesday, 14 August 2012


Belly blossoms. I am holding up fingers for how many months, but I can't tell. I can tell you it's alot bigger now! 

Sunday, 5 August 2012


A burst of basketball down the road. the rain often thunders down on this auditorium, making us feel like tiny ants under a leaf. the drains outside are almost as tall as Janu to whisk the water away. janu still talks about the time we saw a boy lose his flip flop down one - 'what would he do, mum, with only one shoe?'

Friday, 3 August 2012


We have been going paper airplane mad. From getting frustrated at everything (who, me?) to understanding mountain and valley folds, reverse triangles and more….