Thursday, 31 January 2013


soph, josh & family, dining with us in a goulburn institution!

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

kingston pool

Janu LOVED the water, but wasn't so keen on getting his head wet. Until the lovely Georgia came along. 

sculpture trail

this came at a time when Janu hated walking. But the lure of finding funky sculptures dotted around a farm helped him find his legs.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013


ah the many days spent in kingston - only 10 min drive from my parent's place.

easy to make friends over ice cream


ah, it's hartz national park. one of my favourite places. open, windy, alpine flowers, ice cold streams. duckboard quacking.



Sunday, 27 January 2013


this was our last camping trip with matilda in tassie. somewhere south..


3 guesses what this is?

we often woke in the morn to a lovely trail outside on the verandah railing. it's ... possum pee! 'this is MY part of the woods' marks her territory. possums are wild, cavorting creatures. we'd often get a glimpse while heading to bed of her flashlight eyes and scampering bottom.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Chronological schplonological

Now, we only just remembered that we have a phone that takes pictures! But they are getting very old, pre-dating even these.  But we are glad to have found them as somehow we've deleted a couple of months of pictures (some would say that is a good thing, with the amount we still have to get through!) But we've lost precious pics of our last after noon at Tinderbox beach, and all our pictures of Malaysia. Ah well.  But here is a quick trip down memory lane with a range of pics from our phone. 
Chronological schplonological...

Tuesday, 22 January 2013


special times with Granny. The other day we were in a friend's backyard, and their canoe had filled with water. All of us wondered how to get the very last bits out. Janu piped up: 'Granny used a pump and a sponge!' Good little memory (Just don't add hummous around the trees in this meal!)


I'm not sure what the links are between these disparate images, but I've jotted them down all together, so perhaps there is one?

Monday, 21 January 2013

Sunday, 20 January 2013


the quiet, the sea, the moon, the baby