Saturday 15 October 2011


our first woofing spot (working on organic farms) was at a community an hour or so outside Melbourne.  With over 300acres and 40 households spilling over with kids, it was a good place to be. but somehow spring suffered a set back and the mists flowed in. Moora Moora being on top of a mountain submerged into fog for much of the time we were there.  other woofers cheered us up and we had a good time, working hard for our food and board.  Janu and I found lots of time too for crafts: above are his impressions of me, AA and himself.  

spending the day in Mike's garden (next to the house he built himself), Janu and I weeded to our hearts content (and that is pretty content!) while adrian built a rock wall.  during the week we also helped on the veg garden (CSA to the local community), mud rendered walls, helped move house, weeded and weeded some more, and painted, scrubbed, mowed...

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